Review Wittlieb J, K Khalturin, TCG Bosch (2010) Transgene Hydra als vielseitiges Modellsystem in “EvoDevo”. Biospektrum 10/2, 186-188.This article was subsequently also included in textbook „Zellbiologie und Mikrobiologie“, Springer Spektrum-Buchpublikation (Ed. Dieter Jahn), 2012.

paper Fraune S, R Augustin, F Anton-Erxleben, Jörg Wittlieb, C Gelhaus, V. B. Klimovich,M. P. Samoilovich, and T.C.G. Bosch (2010) In an early branching metazoan, bacterial colonization of the embryo is controlled by maternal antimicrobial peptides Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA , 107,18067-18072 Featured as “Research Highlights” in Nature Immunology (2010) 11, 1083

paper Gee L,  J Hartig, L Law, J Wittlieb, K Khalturin, TCG Bosch, and HR Bode (2010) Beta-catenin plays a central role in setting up the head organizer in hydra. Dev. Biol., 340 (2010) 116–124